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Три награды "Книга года 2024" в Ижевске

Два фотоальбома Сергея Анисимова попали в ТОП-30 лучших изданий

Новый фотоальбом "СЕВЕР. Поэтика Цвета" 2024 г.

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Competition exhibition «Best of Russia-2010»

The competition exhibition «Best of Russia-2010». The photos are showing one single year from the life of Russia. The jury of an annual photocompetition in which professionals and fans can take part, from more than 25 thousand pictures have selected 365.  Competition took place from May, the 15th till October, the 18th, 2010. Any citizen of the Russian Federation could take part in it. The project «Best of Russia», was organised with the support of Ministry of culture. In 2010 the final exhibition  was visited by the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. After Moscow it was shown in Perm, Novosibirsk and Paris.

© 2011, Photographer Sergey Anisimov.
All rights reserved.
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